SemeNostrum is a seed company located in the north east of Italy. The company was born in 2005 as a university spinoff, related to studies of natural arid meadow with a great biodiversity, that became increasingly rare, in our region. At the start we produce only specie from this particular kind of meadow but over time we start to reproduce also species of other kind of environments. We started this activity to make seeds of native species available, because there were more and more people looking for this type of seeds.

Now we are reproducing more than 100 species, the most part available for selling, and another part under studies to reproduce them in future. The other idea that led to the birth of SemeNostrum is, that in addition to defending natural areas, a way to safeguard our biodiversity was the possibility of using native species even also as ornamental species. The use of native species is a way for re-spreading them over the territory, in particular in those contexts such as cities or intensive agricultural areas where the lack of native flora is most perceived and start also to create environmental damage.